What is Open Data?

This Open Data Catalogue is a free and open data sharing portal where anyone can access and use data relating to the City of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. You can browse, search, preview, and download a variety of municipal geospatial and tabular data. Descriptions of each dataset will help with understanding of the content. You may use and republish the data as you wish, according to the open licence agreement.

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Using The Site

Use the search bar at the top of the page to find data relating to topics of interest. As you browse through the different datasets, the extent of each will be displayed on the map. Once you find what you are looking for, select the dataset from the list to be able to view the data and get options for download. You can also view our complete list of datasets.

Accessing Data

There are several ways to access the data within. The data can be downloaded as shapefiles, file geodatabases, or KML for GIS applications, and as CSV for tables and spreadsheets. Advanced users may also integrate our data into other applications. Learn more about this Open Data platform and even get involved in the Global ArcGIS Open Data Community.


Develop new apps using templates and APIs. Data from this site can be easily embedded in other applications using the GeoService or GeoJSON links. Explore the ESRI JavaScript API documentation to get started.
Our Open Vision | Developer API


Additional Data Provided by Our Partners